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A Full Course

Expressive Life Drawing

A 7-week course in drawing the human figure from life. Instruction and practice at the Tim Holmes Studio, 446 N. Hoback, Helena, MT.

Starts Tues., Sept. 24, 2024, 6:30 - 9 PM

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400 Cath Dan.Fmy.jpg

We use nude models to learn how to "see" and map the complex and beautiful form of the human body in simple ways. We study a technique I've developed from the ideas of George Bridgman to use for creating naturalistic figurative sculpture, but it can be used to envision the human form for any purpose whatever, whether you are illustrating scientific journals, drawing cartoons or wanting simply to be able to appreciate what it is to reside in human packaging.

We will study proportions but attempt to move beyond accuracy of form into personal expression. The instruction is useful for both intentions.


We will practice imaginative seeing by simplifying the complex elements of the human form into a simple mannequin figure, which, when drawn with certain principles in mind, can be used as a basis for creating life-like drawings of any treatment. Concepts include fractals, the "wedging" of anatomic forms, balance, foreshortening, living line, edges and energy.  We’ll also discuss artistic vulnerability, unconscious kinetic awareness of images of the human body, and other concepts that help form one's craft. 

Learning these rules allows the artist to break them intentionally for expressive purposes.

Holy Ground

If you're interested in attending the next series please reserve a spot. 

Format: 30 minutes of instruction followed by two hours working from the model.

Previous experience:  None required.  An artist of any experience level can gain from this practice.

Materials needed: drawing pencils and sketch paper (some materials available)

Schedule: Starts Sept. 12, 2023, 6:30 - 9 PM

Cost:  $125 for the full course, which includes modeling fees. Or $15 per week drop-in.

Remote option:  If a student wants to audit the instruction part of the class from any remote location, the cost is $30 total. Please contact the studio:

Holy Ground
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