A deeper insight into who Tim is and where he has been.
Tim Holmes is the first American artist ever invited to give a solo exhibit at the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, Russia, the world's largest art museum, where his sculptures remain on permanent exhibit. His work has gained notice among some of the world's peacemakers, from the Chinese dissident students of Tiananmen Square to the Physicians for Social Responsibility. Jimmy Carter, Czech hero Vaclav Havel, and the late Coretta Scott King are among Holmes' best-known collectors.
Holmes has created many international projects such as the U.N. Women's Peace Prize and other peace awards. He has worked with Archbishop Desmond Tutu in efforts to create an international peace center on Robben Island, the gulag where President Nelson Mandela and thousands of others were imprisoned during the dark apartheid years and on South Africa's bid for the Olympics. Though Holmes is most well known for sculpture he works in a variety of media, all pointing toward a more responsive, cooperative and sustainable future.
Selected One-Person Museum Exhibitions:
The Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1993-94.
Coral Springs Museum of Art, Coral Springs, FL, 2003
Frye Art Museum, Seattle, WA, 1986-7 and 1991
Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman, MT, 1999
Rocky Mountain Map Gallery, Missoula, MT, 2014
Hockaday Museum of Art, Kalispell, MT, 2000
Sierra Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, Nevada, 1995
Holter Museum of Art, Helena, Montana, 1996
Museum of Fine Arts, Univ. of Montana, Missoula, MT 1995,
Atwood Gallery, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN, 2001
Private Collections:
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize Winner
President Jimmy Carter, Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Vaclav Havel, President of Czechoslovakia
Coretta Scott King
Dr. Jonas Salk, Polio vaccine developer
Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa
Gro Harlem Brundtland, Former Norwegian Prime Minister
Madam Jehan Sadat, Former First Lady of Egypt
Li Lu, Chinese Pro-Democracy Movement
Rosalyn Carter, First Lady, recipient of Peace Links award
Sen. Mike Mansfield
Archbishop Elias Chacour, Nobel Peace Prize nominee
Andrew Young, U.S. Ambassador to U.N., Atlanta Mayor
Dr. Benjamin Spock, “the baby doctor”
Norman Cousins, author
George Kennan, the 20th century's great geostrategist
Edward Albee, playwright
Valentina Tereshkova, first woman cosmonaut
Marianne Williamson, author and spiritual leader
Mary Hart, “Entertainment Tonight” co-host
Bob Beckel, Fox News “The Five”, Crossfire, CNN
Public Collections:
The International Olympic Museum, Lausanne, Switzerland
The Archdiocese of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
United Nations Development Fund for Women, New York, NY
The Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
International Alert, London, England
Walker Art Gallery, Hennepin Ave. U. M. Church., Mnpls, MN
University of Montana, Missoula, Montana
Jeannette Rankin Peace Center, Missoula, Montana,
Ronald Reagan Library, Eureka College, Eureka, IL
The Mansfield Center, Missoula, MT
Community Cancer Care, Missoula, MT
Selected Public Commissions and Monuments:
Freedom to Create Leadership Award for Women, Freedom to Create, Singapore, 2011
The Inquisition of Don Miguel, (set design, a 16 x 20 ft. book) , Ballet Montana, Helena, MT, 2011
Who Gives All Gifts, (9 ft. bronze) St. Paul's UMC, Helena, MT
The Christian Vine, Commissioned award for Father Elias Chacour, Palestinian Peacemaker, 2008
U.N. Millennium Peace Prize for Women, U.N. Development Fund for Women, (NYC); Internl' Alert, London, England, 2000
Welcome Home, A monument for the International Peace and Reconciliation Center on Robben Is., South Africa, Nelson Mandela's former prison. 1997
Olympic Africa, (Cape Town's gift to the International Olympic Museum, Lausanne, Switzerland), 1997
The Cycle of Renewal, (9 ft. bronze) First Pres. Church, Pompano Beach, FL, 2002
Teaching / Speaking:
The Erotic Crisis: A Hidden Conflict of Body v.s. Machine, TEDxWhitefish, Whitefish, MT, 2014
Vanishing Value of the Flesh, the Erotic Crisis; PSR Earl Lecture, Berkeley, CA, 2015
Body Psalms: The Future Body, Myrna Loy Center, Helena, MT 2013
Expressive Body, (actors workshop ) Pygmalion Theater, Vienna, Austria, 2010
Body Psalms, semester course, Wesley Theo. Seminary, Wash., D.C., 2008
Body Psalms: (workshop) Arlington, VA & Bon Secours Center, MD; 2008
Body Psalms screening/discussion, Episcopal Church, Gt. Falls, MT
Montana Speaker’s Bureau- Sept. 11 series speaker, 2002-2006
Expressive Figure Drawing, Holter Museum, Helena, MT, 2001-14
Art vs. Terror, Balm for Bomb, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN, 2001;
Jeannette Rankin Peace Center, Missoula, MT, 2002; Absarokee Fine Arts District, Absarokee, MT, 2003; Glasgow Public Library, 2003.
Commencement Address, Capital High School, Helena, MT, 2003, Helena High School(MLBC), Helena, MT, 2002
Art as Transformation, Global JAS conference, Missoula, MT, 2002
Pursuit of the Wild Muse, Ohio Watercolor Society, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, 2002
Open Ye the Gates, Marianne Williamson’s Church of Today, Warren, MI, 2002
The Blessed Heat of Passion, (Keynote speaker) International Arts Movement conference, Union Theological Seminary, NY, NY, 2001
Creativity as a Spiritual Path, Union Theological Seminary, NY, NY, 2001
Russia, My Beautiful Shadow, Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, IN
Film and Video:
The Moving Art of Tim Holmes, (password: Vienna) produced by Karin Wally for European TV, 2010
Tim Holmes Meets Brecht, Pygmalion Theater, Vienna, Austria, 2009-10
Interview with K. J. Hatton, Vodcast, Dublin, Ireland, 2010
Visitation by the Muse - film produced by Cramer Productions, 1997
Tim Holmes, Catch the Spirit, a U.M. Comm. Production, broadcast nationally: VISN Network, Nashville, TN., 1992
Tim Holmes Art at the Hermitage (Russian TV news)
Body Psalms Project interview with Brian LaMoure, HCTV, Helena, MT, 2015
Education: Master’s Program, Sir John Cass School of Art, London, 1981
B.A. in Fine Arts, Rocky Mountain College, Billings, Montana 1976
Apprenticed to welded steel sculptor Lyndon F. Pomeroy, 1975
Comprehensive Exhibition History
(All one-person shows except where noted)
The Psychologist and the Artist; A workshop on Jungian art, Long Lake, NY
Artist's Alchemy workshop, Holter Museum of Art, Helena, MT
Grief: Humanity's Membership Card, Merlin CCC, HAT Theater, Helena, MT
The Transformational Image (international group show), Holmes Studio, Helena, MT.
Performance Painting, Merlin CCC, Elkhorn View Lodge, MT
Speaking Volumes (group show), Polk County Heritage Gallery, Des Moines, Iowa
Impressive Figure Drawing The Alchemy of Art; Holmes Studio, Helena, MT
2020 "Turmoil" exhibition, Holmes Studio, Helena, MT.
Expressive Figure Drawing, Holmes Studio, Helena, MT.
Spring Awake, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Helena, MT
The Erotic Crisis- Valuing the Body in an Age of Puritan Porn, Myrna Loy Center, Helena, MT
Expressive Figure Drawing, Holmes Studio, Helena, MT.
Tim Holmes Sculpture, Rocky Mountain College, Billings, MT
Dancing World Paintings, Tim Holmes Studio, Helena, MT
Speaking Volumes, Transforming Hate, Holter Museum of Art, Myrna Loy Center (group show)
Random Gifts of Art, LIVE!
• Europe Tour II: Sweden, Finland, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary
• Holter Museum of Art, Helena, MT
Felix: The Robot Assistant (short play), Last Chance New Play Fest, Helena, MT
Reimagine Montana Artist-in-residency (group show) touring throughout Montana.
Historic Residency Reimagine Montana, Myrna Loy Center, Helena, MT
Random Gifts of Art, LIVE!
• TEDx Bozeman, Bozeman, MT
• Europe Tour I: Sweden, Germany, Austria, Hungary
• Last Chance Play Fest, Helena, MT ("Best Original Script")
• Art performance, Myrna Loy Center, Helena, MT
Historic Residency Reimagining Montana, Tim Holmes Studio, Helena, MT
The Erotic Crisis: The Vanishing Value of the Flesh, Earl Lecture, BeArtNow conference, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA
Body Psalms workshop, BeArtNow conference, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA
Body Psalms worship experience at Interplay: Sanctuary for the Arts, Oakland, CA
Metaphysical Maps, Myrna Loy Center, Helena, MT
Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate (group national tour, 2008-2018), UC Gallery, University of Montana, Missoula, MT; Living Arts, Tulsa, OK; Waterloo Center for the Arts in Waterloo, Iowa, etc.
The Erotic Crisis, TEDx talk, Whitefish TEDx conference, Whitefish, MT
Metaphysical Maps, Myrna Loy Arts Center; Rocky Mountain Map Gallery, Missoula, MT
“Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate,” originated by Tim Holmes., curated by Katie Knight,
Gottheif Gallery, San Diego, CA (group show).
"Blue Bills: Money for a Clean World", Dist. 78 Interstate Toastmasters Conference; Tim Holmes Studio, Helena, MT
"Body Psalms: The Future Body", a multi-media performance art piece, Myrna Loy Center, Helena, MT
"Montana Triennial 2012", Missoula Museum of Art, Missoula, MT (group show)
"The Body Psalms Project", screening/discussion, Livingston Center for Art and Culture, Livingston, MT
"Body Psalms: The Cultural Trance", Pink Gloves Western States Conference, Butte, MT
“Duende”, installation/performance, Tim Holmes Studio, Helena, MT
“Language of the Heart”, Holter Museum of Art, Helena, MT
“The Moving Art of Tim Holmes”, documentary screening and exhibition, Myrna Loy Center, Helena, MT
The Inquisition of Don Miguel, (set design: 16 x 20 ft. book) , Ballet Montana, Helena, MT
Dangerous Books, L&C County Library, Helena, MT
Sensuous Mysticism, Queen Beads Gallery, Helena, MT
“Dancing Sculptures, Tim Holmes Meets Brecht Meets Brancusi”, Pygmalion Theater, Vienna, Austria
“Tim Holmes Bronze and Painting”, Pygmalion Theater, Vienna, Austria
Holmes and Brancusi Sculptures, Romanian National Theater, Bucharest, Romania
“Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate,” originated by Tim Holmes., curated by Katie Knight,
touring Montana museums through 2010, then on to national tour. (group show)
“The Dancing World Paintings”, Career Women's Network of Austria, Hilton Hotel, Vienna, Austria
Artists-in-Residence Art Exhibit, Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C. (group show)
“Body Psalms Project”, Paris Gibson Museum of Art, Gt. Falls, MT
"Body Psalms" workshop/ performance, Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C.
"Tim Holmes Bronzes", Weiman Gallery, Washington D.C.
Body Psalms screening, Faith Renaissance Center, Alexandria, VA
“The Christian Vine” Father Elias Chacour sculpture presentation Indianapolis, IN
“Flesh and Spirit” Spokane Art School, Spokane, WA
“Body Psalms Context Performance”, Holter Museum oF Art/St. Paul's UMChurch, Helena, MT
“Image and Transformation,” Flatiron Gallery, Billings, MT
Governor’s Exhibit, Montana State Capitol Building, Helena, MT
“Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate,”originated by Tim Holmes., curated by Katrie Knight, Holter Museum of Art,
Carroll College, Lewis & Clark County Library, Helena, MT. (group show)
“Who Gives All Gifts” monumental bronze memorial unveiling, Helena, MT
Award: Best Artwork for ”The 23rd Psalm”, New Media Film Festival, Berkeley CA
Mar Elias University, Israel, fundraiser, Indianapolis, IN
“Flesh and Spirit”, Huneke Gallery, Spokane Art School, , Spokane WA
Body Psalms Workshop, University of Great Falls, Great Falls, MT.
Body Psalms, Senior high youth camp, Flathead United Methodist Camp, Rollins, MT
“Metaphysical Maps”” The Aeronautics Portfolio, Helena Regional Airport
Hearts & Roses festival, Helena, Mt. (group show)
“Sentinelle, The Soul of America at War”, Holmes Studio and Myrna Loy Center, Helena, MT
Body Psalms screening, Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C.
Costume designs and poster for the dance, "Song of A New Voice", Artisan Dance Theatre, Helena, MT
Body Psalms screening, Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C.
"Alchemy and Transformation", Idaho Falls Arts Council, Idaho Falls, ID
“Artist, Forest, Community”, Montana traveling exhibit (group show)
Body Psalms screening, Myrna Loy Center and HCTV, Helena, MT
Body Psalms screening, Plymouth Congregational Church, Helena, MT
Body Psalms screening, Flathead United Methodist Camp, Rollins, MT
Artisan Dance Theatre, Myrna Loy Center, Helena, MT
Scupture (“Art Walk”), St. Paul's United Methodist Church, Helena, MT
A.L. Swanson Gallery, Helena, MT (group show)
"Alchemy and Transformation", Liberty Village Art Center, Chester, MT
Featured Artist, Butte Art Walk, Butte, M
Body Psalms screening, Plymouth Congregational Church, Helena, MT
“Poisonous Books”, Carroll College Gallery, Carroll College, Helena, MT curated by Ralph Esposito
“RMC Alumni Art Exhibit” (group show), Rocky Mountain College,Billings, MT, curated by Mark Moak
"Art in the Age of Terror”, Coral Springs Museum of Art, Coral Springs,FL, curated by Barbara O’Keefe
“Dangerous Books” Glasgow Public Library, Glasgow, MT
Global JAS, Univ. of Montana, Missoula, MT; curated by Theresa Jacobs.
“Tim Holmes Sculptures”, Masterpiece Gallery, Carmel, CA;
curated by Mike DiPietro.
"Art v.s. Terror: Balm for Bomb", Marriane Williamson's Church of Today,
Warren, MI; curated by Steve Yakush
“Art and Faith”, Methodist Theological School in Ohio, Delaware, OH;
curated by Colleen Hogan
"Why Do We Have Bodies?", Main Stope Gallery, Butte, MT;
curated by Ray Campeau;
"Why Do We Have Bodies?", Holmes Studio, Helena, MT
“Amima Mundi”, Union Theological Seminary, New York City, NY;
curated by Troy Messenger.
"Art v.s. Terror: Balm for Bomb", Atwood Gallery, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN; curated by Carla Johnson
Twin Totems Gallery, Spokane, WA ; curated by Melanie Rodd
Janek Galleries, Coeur d' Alene, Sandpoint, ID
The Art Spirit Gallery, Coeur d' Alene, ID, group show curated by Steve Gibbs
"Metalphors", Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman, MT; curated by Steve Jackson
"Transformations" Hockaday Museum of Art, Kalispell, MT; curated by David Eubank
Ecles Arts Center, Park City, UT
The Met Theatre, Spokane, WA
“Figure a la Naturale” Myrna Loy Center, Helena, MT, group show
State of the World Forum, San Francisco, CA curated by Helen Pollock
Lawson Gallery, San Francisco, CA; curated by Don Lawson
"The Spirit of Bronze", The Cathedral of St. John the Devine, New York, NY; curated by Jay Wegman
"An Emergency of Joy", Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, IN, curated by Karen Kelm
"Yard Art", Missoula Museum of Art, Missoula, MT (group show)
"Welcome Home", The National Cathedral, Washington, DC
"Chaos" (group show), Hockaday Museum of Art, Kalispell, MT;
curated by David Eubank
"An Emergency of Joy", Museum of Fine Arts, Univ. of Montana, Missoula, MT; curated by Dennis Kern
“Deep in the Dance”, Carroll College Fine Arts Center, Helena, MT
American Federal Savings Bank, Helena, MT
Futura Lane Salon, Helena, MT
"Visitation By the Muse", Holter Museum of Art, Helena, MT; curated by Peter Held
"An Emergency of Joy", Hennepin Ave. U.M.C., Minneapolis, MN; curated by Bill Mathis
Myrna Loy Arts Center, Helena, MT group show
"Metaphysical Maps" , Billings Studio Theater, Billings, MT; curated by Bonnie Banks
"Metals and More", Dahl Fine Arts Center, Rapid City, SD, group show
"Stories in Steel, Poems in Bronze, Expressionist Sculpture by Tim Holmes",
Sierra Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, NV, curated by Howard Spencer
"An Emergency of Joy", Robert & Gennie DeWeese Gallery, Bozeman, MT; curated by Mark Sullivan
Myrna Loy Arts Center, Helena, MT, group show
"An Emergency of Joy", University of Montana at Dillon, Dillon, MT
"An Emergency of Joy", The Arts Chateau, Butte, MT
Myrna Loy Arts Center, Helena, MT, group show
Federal Reserve Bank, Helena, MT
"An Emergency of Joy", Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia, curated by Sergei Androsov and Nina Cosminina
"An Emergency of Joy", Liberty Village Art Center, Chester, MT
"The Creative Process", Frye Art Museum, Seattle, WA, curated by Steve Brooks
Norton Center for the Arts, Danville, KY
Museum of East Texas, Lufkin, TX, group show
Frye Art Museum, Seattle, WA, curated by Kay Greathouse
Gateway Gallery, Carmel, CA
Calvert Collection, Washington, DC; curated by Peter Calesante
Mont. State Bar Assoc., Butte, MT
Strole Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ group show
The University Club Washington, DC
The Arts Chateau Butte, MT
Cason Gallery Helena, MT group show
Precious Stones Anchorage, AK
Copper King Mansion Butte, MT
Calvert Collection Washington, DC
Ersaline Center Great Falls, MT group show
First Bank Helena, MT
Lewistown Art Center Lewistown, MT
Waterworks Gallery Miles City, MT group show
Rocky Mountain College Billings, MT group show
Dahl Fine Art Center Rapid City, SD
Religious Art Exhibit Bozeman, MT group show
Castle Gallery Billings, MT group show
Paul Mellon Art Center Wallingford, CN two-person show
Sculpture World Gallery Carmel, CA
Montana Inst. of the Arts Touring Exhibit group show
Rocky Mountain College Billings, MT
Billings Art Association Billings, MT group show
Teaching/Speaking Experience:
Tim Holmes lectures and teaches in the U.S. and Europe. Here are some examples:
Impressive Figure Drawing The Alchemy of Art; Holmes Studio, Helena, MT.
Erotic Crisis: The Vanishing Value of the Flesh, Earl Lecture, BeArtNow conference, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA
Body Psalms workshop, BeArtNow conference, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA
Body Psalms worship experience at Interplay: Sanctuary for the Arts, Oakland, CA
"Blue Bills: Money for a Clean World", Dist. 78 Interstate Toastmasters Conference; Tim Holmes Studio, Helena, MT, 2013
Body Psalms: Expression and Communication, Pygmalion Theater, Vienna, Austria, 2010
Body Psalms: the Future Body; a multi-media performance, Myrna Loy Cneter, Helena, MT, 2008
Body Psalms, (semester course), Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington D.C., 2008
Body Psalms: Reclaiming the Sacred Body, (workshop) Faith Renaissance Center, Arlington, VA, 2008
Body Psalms screening/discussion, Episcopal Church of the Incarnation, Gt.Falls, MT, 2008
State of the American Body- (lecture), Holter Museum of Art, Helena, MT , 2008
Body Psalms: Reclaiming the Sacred Body, (course); University of Great Falls, MT 2007
Montana Speaker’s Bureau- Montana Committee for the Humanities Sept. 11 series speaker, 2002-2006
Art vs Terror, Balm for Bomb, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN, 2001;
Jeannette Rankin Peace Center, Missoula, MT; Absarokee Community Center, Absarokee, MT 2002;
Art as Transformation, Global JAS conference, Missoula, MT, 2002
Pursuit of the Wild Muse, Ohio Watercolor Society, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, 2002
Open Ye the Gates, Marianne Williamson’s Church of Today, Warren, MI, 2002
The Blessed Heat of Passion, (Keynote speaker) International Arts Movement conf., Union Theologocal Seminary, NY, NY, 2001
Creativity as a Spiritual Path, Arts and Theology Colloquium, Union Theological Seminary, NY, NY, 2001
Commecement Addresses, Capital High School, Helena, MT, 2003, Helena High School, Helena, MT, 2002
Russia, My Beautiful Shadow, (slide lecture), Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, IN,
Holter Museum of Art, Helena, MT, 1998
Expressive Figure Drawing, Holter Museum of Art, Helena, MT, 2001-08
Art Ambassador, (slide lecture), Holter Museum of Art, Helena, MT, 1998
The Creative Person v.s. Civilization, (lecture), Helena Wellness Cooperative, Helena, MT, 1998
Art Appreciation (course), University of Montana, Helena, MT, 1997
Art and Journaling (workshop), Helena Teachers, Holter Museum of Art, Helena, MT, 1997
The Poet v.s. Civilization, (workshop), American Society of Clinical Social Workers, Seattle, WA, 1994
Art and Spirituality, (8 week class), St. Paul's United Methodist Church, Helena, MT, 1994
The Philosophy of Art, (presentation), Rocky Mountain College, Billings, MT and
Carroll College, Helena, MT, 1990